Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease:
Time for a New Optimism

Bilateral Workshop
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland, USA and
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarth, India.

November 5-6, 2016
Venue: Chandigarh, India

Sponsor: Indo-US Science and Technology Forum




To sign up, download the registration form.   If you have any questions, please contact the organizers.

The goal of this symposium is to develop collaborations between clinicians and scientists from the United States and India, which will serve to accelerate the development of breakthrough therapies for thalassemia and sickle cell disease. India has the largest population in the world affected with these serious inherited blood disorders. The majority of patients become sick soon after birth and many die during childhood due to inadequate treatment.

The resources required to provide care - blood transfusions and expensive drugs - are an enormous burden on the health system. In the US, sickle cell disease is a public health and national research priority for which universal newborn screening has been implemented. The prevalence of beta thalassemia, a minority disease, is rising due to immigration.

Several recent critical scientific advances in prenatal diagnosis, iron metabolism, erythropoiesis and gene therapy have the potential to revolutionize the entire field. There is a renewed hope that the suffering of individuals living with thalassemia and sickle cell disease can be reduced. Fast-track development of these discoveries is an imperative that can be realized through a reciprocal and cooperative scientific relationship between academic medical centers in India and the United States.


DAY 1: November 5, 2016
Standards of Care for Hemoglobin Disorders

Keynote 1: The Challenge of Building an International Collaborative for Medical Research

Download the schedule Session I: Epidemiology of Hemoglobin Disorders

Session II: Sickle Cell Disease

Session III: Clinical Issues in Thalassemia

Session IV: Common Issues in Management

DAY 2: November 6, 2016
Translational Research Initiatives in Hemoglobin Disorders

Session V: Diagnosis of Hemoglobinopathies

Session VI: Advances in Treatment

Session VII: Stem Cell Transplantation

Keynote 2: Role of Philanthropy in Targeted Advanced Medical Training: Multiplier Effect?

IUSSTF: Building bridges between scientific communities

Session VIII: Gene Therapy

Symposium Closing: Regulatory Environment, Challenges and Opportunities

Photo: Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India.
Background: "The Open Hand" (La Main Ouverte), Chandigarh.